MyBatis Plus Enum to String with MySQL: A Detail Guide

mybatis plus enum to string mysql

Introduction to MyBatis-Plus

What is MyBatis-Plus? MyBatis-Plus is a data persistence framework that extends the capabilities of MyBatis by providing a more streamlined API, automated CRUD operations, and support for dynamic SQL. It is designed to reduce the complexity of integrating object-relational mapping (ORM) in Java applications.

Why Use MyBatis-Plus with MySQL? MyBatis-Plus offers a variety of tools that help developers interact with MySQL databases more efficiently. Its ability to handle complex queries, lazy loading, and custom type handlers makes it an excellent choice for working with MySQL.

Benefits of Using MyBatis-Plus

  • Simplified CRUD operations
  • Support for pagination and sorting
  • Powerful query builder
  • Customizable SQL generation

2. Overview of Enum Data Type in MySQL

Understanding Enum in MySQL The ENUM data type in MySQL is a string object that can hold one of a predefined set of values. It is often used to represent categories or statuses, such as ‘ACTIVE’, ‘INACTIVE’, ‘PENDING’, etc.

Use Cases of Enum in MySQL Enums are typically used to enforce data integrity, limit the possible values in a column, and improve readability in database schemas.

Common Practices with Enum Fields in MySQL

  • Using Enums to represent user roles
  • Storing order statuses in e-commerce systems
  • Tracking the state of a task or process

3. How MyBatis-Plus Works with Enums

Handling Enums in MyBatis-Plus By default, MyBatis-Plus can map Enum types to integer values in the database. However, converting Enum types to string values offers greater readability and flexibility, especially when working with human-readable statuses.

Enum Mapping Strategies in MyBatis-Plus MyBatis-Plus supports various strategies for Enum mapping, including the use of @EnumType annotations or custom TypeHandler classes. Developers can choose between mapping Enums to integers or strings depending on the specific use case.

Enum to Integer vs Enum to String in MyBatis-Plus While mapping Enums to integers can save space and improve performance, mapping to strings enhances clarity and simplifies maintenance, particularly when debugging or dealing with third-party integrations.

4. Setting Up MyBatis-Plus in a Spring Boot Project

Integrating MyBatis-Plus with Spring Boot Integrating MyBatis-Plus with Spring Boot is straightforward. By including the necessary dependencies and configuring the application properly, you can start using MyBatis-Plus features in a Spring Boot project.


Essential Dependencies and Configuration Ensure that your pom.xml or build.gradle includes MyBatis-Plus dependencies. Additionally, configure your application.yml or file to set up the MySQL database connection.

Example of Basic CRUD Operations MyBatis-Plus offers automatic CRUD generation with minimal configuration. Define your entity class, mapper interface, and you’re ready to perform basic CRUD operations without writing SQL queries.

5. Customizing Enum Mapping in MyBatis-Plus

Enum TypeHandler in MyBatis-Plus MyBatis-Plus allows you to create custom TypeHandler classes to control how Enum fields are serialized and deserialized. For Enum to String mapping, a custom TypeHandler can be implemented to handle this conversion.

Converting Enum to String in MyBatis-Plus To convert Enum values to strings in MyBatis-Plus, you need to implement a TypeHandler that converts the Enum to its string representation during insert or update operations.

public class EnumToStringTypeHandler extends BaseTypeHandler<YourEnum> {
public void setNonNullParameter(PreparedStatement ps, int i, YourEnum parameter, JdbcType jdbcType) throws SQLException {
public YourEnum getNullableResult(ResultSet rs, String columnName) throws SQLException {
return YourEnum.valueOf(rs.getString(columnName));

// Additional methods omitted for brevity

Custom Annotation for Enum Mapping MyBatis-Plus also allows the use of custom annotations to control how Enums are map in the database. You can annotate your Enum fields with @EnumType to specify the desired mapping strategy.

6. Best Practices for Enum to String Mapping in MyBatis-Plus

Pros and Cons of Enum to String Mapping While Enum to String mapping enhances readability and reduces confusion, it may result in larger database storage requirements. Therefore, it’s essential to weigh the trade-offs when deciding which approach to use.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls

  • Ensure that Enum values are not rename or remove without updating the database schema.
  • Consider the impact on query performance when using string-based Enums in large datasets.

Performance Considerations When using Enum to String mapping, indexing Enum fields in the database can help mitigate performance issues, especially when these fields are frequently use in WHERE clauses.

7. Example: Implementing Enum to String Conversion in MyBatis-Plus

Step-by-Step Example This section will guide you through a practical example of implementing Enum to String conversion using MyBatis-Plus in a Spring Boot project.

Creating Enum Class Define an Enum class to represent possible values for a field in your database.

public enum Status {

Writing a Mapper and TypeHandler Create a mapper interface and a TypeHandler to manage the conversion between Enum and String values.
