Understanding How to Get VMID for VM in vCenter curl

Get VMID for VM in vCenter curl

Introduction to Get VMID for VM in vCenter curl

To manage virtual machines effectively within a VMware vCenter environment, understanding how to retrieve the VMID (Virtual Machine Identifier) is essential. The VMID serves as a unique identifier for each virtual machine, enabling administrators to perform various tasks through automated scripts and APIs. In this article, we’ll delve into the process of obtaining the VMID for a VM in vCenter using curl, a command-line tool that facilitates HTTP requests.

Why Retrieving VMID Is Crucial in VMware vCenter

The VMID plays a pivotal role in identifying and managing virtual machines in a vCenter environment. When dealing with multiple VMs, knowing how to retrieve the VMID becomes indispensable for tasks such as scripting, automation, or integration with other tools. The VMID provides a unique reference point that allows administrators to execute commands, manage configurations, or retrieve specific information about the VM. Moreover, using curl to obtain the VMID is a practical approach due to its versatility and compatibility with REST APIs.

Prerequisites for Using curl with vCenter

Before diving into the command execution, ensure you have the necessary prerequisites in place:

  • Access to vCenter Server: You need valid credentials with sufficient privileges to access the vCenter Server.
  • curl Installed: Ensure that curl is installed on your system. Most Linux distributions come with curl pre-installed. For Windows users, curl can be downloaded from the official website or accessed via Git Bash.
  • API Access Enabled: The vCenter Server must have API access enabled. This is crucial for executing HTTP requests via curl.

Setting Up Your Environment: Get VMID for VM in vCenter curl

To get started, you’ll need to establish a secure connection to the vCenter Server. Since curl supports HTTP/HTTPS requests, it’s essential to authenticate correctly and ensure that your connection is secure.

1. Authenticate with vCenter:

Authentication is the first step when connecting to vCenter via curl. Use the following command to authenticate and store the session token:


curl -k -X POST "https://<vcenter-server>/rest/com/vmware/cis/session" \
-u 'username:password'

Replace <vcenter-server> with your vCenter Server’s hostname or IP address. The -u flag allows you to specify the username and password. The response should include a session token, which you’ll use in subsequent requests.

2. Storing the Session Token:

After successfully authenticating, store the session token in a variable for reuse:


export VCENTER_SESSION_TOKEN="your-session-token"

This step simplifies the process by allowing you to reference the token easily in subsequent curl commands.

Retrieving the VMID for a Specific VM

Once authenticated, the next step involves retrieving the VMID for the specific virtual machine you are interested in. Follow these steps:

1. Listing All VMs in vCenter:

To get a list of all VMs, use the following curl command:


curl -k -X GET "https://<vcenter-server>/rest/vcenter/vm" \
-H "vmware-api-session-id: $VCENTER_SESSION_TOKEN"

This command returns a JSON object containing details about each VM managed by the vCenter Server. Look for the vm field in the output, which contains the VMID.

2. Filtering the Output: Get VMID for VM in vCenter curl

To make it easier to find the VMID for a specific VM, you can filter the output using tools like jq, a command-line JSON processor:


curl -k -X GET "https://<vcenter-server>/rest/vcenter/vm" \
-H "vmware-api-session-id: $VCENTER_SESSION_TOKEN" | jq '.value[] | {vm, name}'

This command displays each VM’s name alongside its corresponding VMID. Identify the VMID associated with the VM name you are interested in.

Using the VMID for Further Operations

Once you have the VMID, you can use it to perform various operations on the virtual machine. For example, you might want to power on or off the VM, update its configuration, or retrieve additional details.

1. Powering On a VM:

To power on a VM using its VMID, execute the following command:


curl -k -X POST "https://<vcenter-server>/rest/vcenter/vm/$VMID/power/start" \
-H "vmware-api-session-id: $VCENTER_SESSION_TOKEN"

Replace $VMID with the actual VMID retrieved earlier. This command sends a request to start the VM, providing an easy way to manage VMs programmatically.

2. Retrieving Detailed VM Information:

If you need more information about the VM, such as its hardware configuration or guest OS details, use the following command:


curl -k -X GET "https://<vcenter-server>/rest/vcenter/vm/$VMID" \
-H "vmware-api-session-id: $VCENTER_SESSION_TOKEN"

This command returns a JSON object with comprehensive details about the VM, allowing you to gather insights or perform further analysis.

Best Practices When Using curl with vCenter

When interacting with vCenter via curl, it’s crucial to adhere to best practices to ensure security, efficiency, and accuracy.

1. Secure Your Credentials:

Always handle your vCenter credentials securely. Avoid hardcoding them directly into scripts, and consider using environment variables or secure vaults to manage sensitive information.

2. Monitor API Rate Limits:

vCenter Server APIs may have rate limits, especially in environments with a large number of requests. Monitor these limits to avoid throttling or service interruptions.

3. Automate with Scripts:

Consider automating repetitive tasks by creating scripts that utilize curl commands. This can save time and reduce the risk of errors in managing VMs.

Common Errors and Troubleshooting

Working with curl and vCenter APIs can sometimes lead to errors. Understanding these common issues will help you troubleshoot effectively.

1. Authentication Failures: Get VMID for VM in vCenter curl

If you encounter an authentication error, double-check your credentials and ensure that API access is enabled on the vCenter Server.

2. Invalid VMID:

If the VMID you retrieved doesn’t work, verify that you are referencing the correct VMID. It’s easy to mix up IDs when dealing with multiple VMs.

3. API Endpoint Issues:

Ensure that you are using the correct API endpoints for your vCenter version. VMware occasionally updates or deprecates endpoints in newer releases.

Conclusion: Get VMID for VM in vCenter curl

Retrieving the VMID for a virtual machine in vCenter using curl is a straightforward process that provides immense utility for administrators. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively manage your virtual machines, automate processes, and integrate with other tools or scripts. Understanding how to interact with the vCenter REST API using curl is a valuable skill, enabling you to harness the full potential of your VMware environment.


What is VMID in vCenter?

VMID stands for Virtual Machine Identifier. It’s a unique ID assigned to each VM in a vCenter environment, used for managing and identifying virtual machines.

Can I retrieve VMID using PowerCLI instead of curl?

Yes, PowerCLI also allows you to retrieve the VMID, though the process and commands differ from curl.

How do I troubleshoot connection issues with vCenter API?

Ensure that your vCenter Server is reachable, API access is enabled, and you are using the correct URL and credentials.

Is it safe to expose my vCenter API over the internet?

Exposing your vCenter API over the internet is not recommended due to security risks. Always access vCenter APIs within a secure network environment.

Can I use curl to manage multiple VMs simultaneously?

Yes, by scripting your curl commands, you can manage multiple VMs at once. Be mindful of API rate limits and authentication tokens.

What permissions are required to retrieve VMID?

You need read permissions on the vCenter Server to retrieve VM details, including the VMID.